The Communication Network is revamping its student ran broadcasting organization here at IUPUI. The newly elected officers, all IUPUI students, have high hopes and many goals for the network for 2019 and beyond. Izzy Cretcher, vice president of the organization, shared some of the goals the network has, upcoming events and explained in better detail what the organization is here to do.

Currently the organization operates through their YouTube channel, and in the near future will have a podcast to bring relative news to IUPUI students in a fun and enjoyable way. Cretcher explained that the network’s YouTube channel “is a talk show about recent news going on, members will sit around a table with topics of things happening on campus, locally and globally and discuss how they feel about whatever the topic may be.”
The organization's YouTube content is not specifically limited to a talk show, as their vice president shared, they also want to “broadcast events around campus and record what people of the public have to say on certain topics we ask them.” At the moment the organization has an abundance of great ideas on ways in which they can bring involvement of students into the communication network.
In efforts to do exactly that, the communication network is hosting an event on April 4 in room 101 of Taylor Hall called “The Muted Media.” Cretcher explained that they chose the name of this event based off of the communication theory “Muted group theory” which at a glance is the shared idea that people viewed in a lower power often have to change how they communicate when speaking publicly and essentially having their ideas overlooked.

This event will shine a light on a rather quieted voice of women in media, politics and the workforce in general. There will be multiple guests to speak at the event including but not limited to women in public relations, the newspaper industry, freelance writing, large charities and a woman working within the Indiana government whom Cretcher was obligated to not share the name of with me. The only way to know the identity of this mystery guest is to attend on April 4.
The board of women to speak will also be an open discussion with the audience with hopes that everyone shares their thoughts on all topics discussed. The discussion panel will be followed by live music provided by Girls Rock, a non-for-profit organization teaching young girls positive self-esteem and self-expression through music and creation. All proceeds and donations will go toward Girls Rock in their mission to providing a positive and creative safe space for the young women in our community. The Muted Media event will also have snacks and refreshments and a raffle of Girls Rock swag to take home with you.
This Muted Media event will also be the first broadcasted event for The Communication Network, for more information on the event check out their website
They’re encouraging everyone to come out next Thursday for the event, and if you have any interest in broadcasting to join the network, as Cretcher said “the more people we have the better the program will be!”