From March to November, the recurring campus event known as “Dig It Up” is in full swing. Located at the intersection of New York Street and Lansing Street, the quaint but powerful New York Street Garden has been tended to by volunteers since 2010.
Sara Hafyane, a senior studying at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, did not expect to have a role in directing the upkeep and production of the garden when she began volunteering two years ago. However, she inevitably found herself spending more and more time alongside the plants and people at the gardening events.
“I just kept coming and they’re like, ‘Would you like a position?’” Hafyane said.
During her experience, Hafyane has learned of the many ins and outs of the garden, including what the food is used for. The produce is not only donated to local charities in the Indianapolis area, but is also utilized by the Campus Kitchen.Oftentimes, the food is sold at the produce market on campus as well.
When speaking about the garden and the events that pertain to its upkeep and food production, Hafyane states that many people aren’t aware of the activities that take place throughout the year.
“It’s very hush hush,” Hafyane said.
Although the growing season of 2019 is nearing its end, the garden will bloom soon again in March of 2020 and many volunteers will be needed for its success. To be in the know about the New York Street Garden and the many opportunities it provides, visit: https://events.iu.edu/iupui/view/event/date/20191105/event_id/71083?utm_source=2019-10-30&utm_term=jag_news&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Dig%20it%20up&utm_campaign=sf.