“We focus on the development of kids and the league, including those that may not be the best at the game, they still learn how to become great teammates and the important ideas of sportsmanship,” Todd Kenworthy, a former Skiles Test board member of nine years said. “We care about the families as a whole and want entire families to enjoy the experience and want their input on how to grow as a league.”
Skiles Test Youth Baseball and Softball has been a non-profit organization on the border of Northeast Indianapolis and Lawrence, Indiana for 57 years. The league invites all in driving distance to its program unlike many other cities who constrict enrollment to their school districts. With very few seasons of baseball in Indiana during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Skiles Test was one of very few leagues who kept their doors open to children to play baseball and softball. Skiles Test had one of its highest amount of participants in 2021 following its dedication to leaving its league open during the previous summer.
Kenworthy served nine years served as part of Skiles Test as a board member, commissioner, and coach of both recreational and all-star teams. He continued talking about how Skiles Test is so different from other leagues.
Kenworthy added, “Softball is now as important as baseball, unlike many other leagues. The new president, Dan Mattingly, has made that a priority without taking away resources from the baseball side.” His daughter played in Florida as part of a softball all-star tournament after being recognized from this league.
Other parents have sung its praises. Steve Ehrman, a parent and coach in Skiles Test for the past few years said, “there are more resources available to the kids including fields for practice and less rainouts due to the drainage systems that can account for the tough weather in Indiana.

“The big cities can’t really say that. The small-town feel stays even when the league gets big because it is in a safe community of Northeast Indianapolis and the team comradery is awesome the smaller it is. It is Indianapolis, but it is also not Indianapolis in the same way.”
Ehrman also pointed out there is room to improve. “Updated, electronic scoreboards would be a nice addition as well as some new sponsors,” he said. “However, the league has pushed for better resources for those who want to try and be part of their kids’ lives as coaches which is the key cog in the machine that makes the league keep running smoothly.
Many have probably never heard of Skiles Test before today, but talking to its leaders and participants, it clearly shows how and why the league sees no end of fun or growth in the near future. Dirt won’t stop flying and bats and balls will be in use all Spring and Summer long because of the hard work of Skiles Test Youth Baseball and Softball.
Skiles Test Youth Baseball and Softball still has openings. Go to www.skilestest.com and click on Registration to register your kids for the 2022 season.