On March 26-27, Jagathon, IUPUI’s Dance Marathon for Riley Children’s Hospital, raised $364,069.25.
They have raised $3,212,477.93 since 2001.
For 2022-2023 Jagathon will continue its work, but under different leadership.
There will be four new vice presidents.

Madeleine Wisler (top left) will be heading Operations, taking over for Tim Hostettler. Kayla Lemmon (top right) will be running membership, taking over for Amelia Shull. Addison Misch (bottom right) will be handling External Relations, taking over for Courtney Thompson. Louie Wendall (bottom left) will be leading finance, taking over for Allie Watson. Recently, new directors were chosen as well.
Kayla Lemmon, now a junior, was the Director of Fundraising last year.
“My job as the Director of Fundraising was to make sure fundraising goes as smoothly as possible… Fundraising is a big part of Jagathon and it was crucial to get fundraisers going and make sure that money goes to Riley Children’s Hospital,” Lemmon said.

When asked about her new position, she was very excited.
“I will be closer to Allie Watson and my friends Addison, Madeleine and Louie. The Membership Division in Jagathon is another big role because we want members to help us fundraise, hear stories of families and kids who are struggling, and know our money goes to them, to help them with the support they need,” Lemmon said.
Jagthon's goal is always to find new members and groups on IUPUI’s campus to help fundraise and bring the campus together for a cause.
Caleb Shannon, former President of Jagathon, reflected on his term as President.

“As my term comes to an end, I am happy and excited with what I have done during my time as president… I’m proud to say that Westfield high school, which we sponsor, reached its $100,000 goal. I had the highest career for fundraising in Jagathon history. In 2020-2021 we raised $363,702.25. This year we raised $364,069.25. With these two totals, we have raised three million dollars overall in 21 years. I won the Most Outstanding Student Award and I got to present at the National Dance Marathon,” Shannon said. “I was overall excited and happy to do something meaningful.”
Allie Watson will be the new President of the IUPUI Dance Marathon in 2022-2023.
“Allie Watson, we love Allie, I love her. She has so many great ideas and she will make sure that Jagathon is heading in the right direction,” Lemmon said.
Overall, Jagathon’s new leadership team looks forward to the future and hopes to continue making miracles for the children at Riley Hospital for many years to come. For more info about joining Jagathon, feel free to email Kayla Lemmon at jagvpdm4@iupui.edu or visit Jagathon's website.
Avi Sarkar (he/him) is a sophomore studying journalism. He has been writing for The Campus Citizen since August of 2021.