Coming up next week is what is considered to be one of the most romantic days of the year, Valentine’s Day. The Campus Citizen has decided to put together a selection of romance films that one should and should not watch on the upcoming holiday. On a general consensus among audiences, these films are considered universally praised as romances that are worth watching, while the other films on this list could be considered universally distressing to watch with your significant other.
Worst Valentine's Date Movies
1. "The Twilight Saga"
(Warning: unhealthy boundaries)

Courtesy of
2. "Blue Valentine"
(Warning: depressing love story)

Courtesy of IMDB
3. "The Kissing Booth" Trilogy
(Warning: bad movies)

Courtesy of
4. "Fifty Shades" Film Trilogy
(Warning: abusive relationship)

Courtesy of the Business Insider
5. "He’s All That"/"She’s All That"
(Warning: unhealthy standards)

Courtesy of IMDB

Courtesy of US Magazine
Best Valentine's Date Movies
1. "The Princess Bride"
(Warning: it is "inconceivable" how cute this movie is)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes
2. "UP"
(Warning: you will love and hate the first 10 minutes)

Courtesy of Common Sense Media
3. "Titanic"
(Warning: you will “never let go”)

Courtesy of
4. "Casablanca"
(Warning: you will want to “play it again”)

Courtesy of
5. "Rent"
(Warning: you will learn to "measure your life in love")

Courtesy of
Berto Millan (he/him) is a junior majoring in Applied Film, Television, and Theater. He is writer for the Culture section of the Campus Citizen.
Trevor Stucker (he/him) is a freshman majoring in Applied Film and Journalism. This is his first year writing for The Campus Citizen.