IUI hosts first Bridge Week post IUPUI split

IU Indy balloon sign in Campus Center atrium
IU Indy balloon sign in Campus Center atrium

Bridge has existed since 2001 incorporating a variety of events, presentations and activities in order to help incoming freshmen acclimate to the college experience at IUI. While it originally only included a portion of freshmen students, it was later expanded in 2022 to include all incoming freshmen. This year’s Bridge on Aug. 19-23 was the first Bridge post IUPUI divorce incorporating new, and old, traditions into the experience.

Bridge is only one part of the First-Year Experience (FYE), which also includes orientation, and First-Year Seminar (FYS), a semester-long course aimed at building community and providing resources to first-year students.

Throughout the week students participate in activities curated by each academic school, but also by the FYE program, which works to introduce them to campus resources, student life, community involvement and more. 

Attendees often end each FYS day with an hour called “Connections.” Each day is themed and offers different opportunities for students to become familiar with the campus community starting Monday with Kick Off, Tuesday with Academics Day, Thursday with the Student Org Fair and Friday with Kick Back.

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Jason Spratt speaks to audience of first year students on Aug. 19 giving Dean of Students Address as part of Bridge Week.

In addition to FYS and Connections events, the Dean also delivers the Dean of Students Address. This year’s address was given by Jason Spratt and was the first time it was held in-person since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The address touched on discussions regarding campus rules, student conduct and student safety. 

“Thinking about how you carry yourself, thinking about the ways that you engage other people and when you need help, ask for it,” Spratt said. “Community means you’re not alone. You’re here as a group. You’re here as a collective. You’re here to help each other achieve what you want to achieve.”

To conclude the week, a new tradition was introduced to the Bridge experience: an induction ceremony. This ceremony was held on Aug. 23 at the Indiana Convention Center. The ceremony started with opening remarks from IU President Pamela Whitten and IUI Chancellor Latha Ramchand. 

“This is the first new student induction ceremony we've ever done, because IU Indianapolis is in its very first year, so welcome first class.” Whitten said. “This event is a brand new tradition for the new IU Indianapolis campus. It serves as a formal, official, greeting to our new students, whether you're beginning your first year of college study or you’re a transfer student. It also serves as the bookend to another important event that will occur in only a few years, your graduation ceremony, which will be the culmination of the journey that begins for all of you today.”

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Faith Odiete gives speech to class of 2028 as part of the induction ceremony on Aug. 23, a new tradition added to the Bridge experience. Photo Credit: Indiana University Broadcasts

Following the introduction, Faith Odiete, a graduate student at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, spoke to the class of 2028.

“I address my fellow graduates, I remember being in your shoes at the end of my journey here in Indianapolis, as you see here today, I want you to take in the magnificence of this moment,” Odiete said. “Think about the wonderful times that await you, the sleepless nights, the endless assignments, the difficult exams, the minor setbacks and the triumphant moments. I want you to remember you hold the power to change, to improve and to better your life, and that makes you not just the stars of today, but the architects of tomorrow.”

Along with Odiete, current IUI students made up a speaker panel to speak about some of IUI’s traditions that incoming freshmen have yet to experience. The panel included Nicole Cremasco, Jagathon president; Shubhankar Deshpande, Student Activities Programming Board (SAPB) president; Emmaleigh Zietlow, senior swimmer; Nolan Campbell, Regatta executive director and Clara Pineda, Undergraduate Student Government (USG) president.

The event concluded with a reading of the Indiana promise, a singing performance of the alma mater, “Hail to Old IU,” by Kathiana Dargenson, a 2023 IU Jacobs School of Music graduate, and incoming students putting on their new Indiana University Indianapolis pins which they will be able to wear at their graduation.

Abigail Godsen (she/her) is a junior majoring in Applied Information Sciences with a minor in Classics. She is Campus Editor for The Campus Citizen. When she isn’t writing, Abby likes to cook, do crossword puzzles and drink a lot of tea. She can be summoned using anything shiny or books.

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