On Monday, the anti-abortion organization Indianapolis Right to Life hosted the Indiana March for Life with Students for Life of America. The marchers began at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral, the oldest Catholic parish in Indianapolis and went down Georgia St., then went down Meridian Street, around Monument Circle and around the Indiana Statehouse, holding a rally in front of the building. Numerous political figures joined the march, including Senator Mike Braun, State Treasurer Daniel Elliot and State Representative Timothy West, with others including Indiana Representative Jim Banks, Senator Todd Young, Attorney General Todd Rokita, and Secretary of State Diego Morales making an appearance at the rally. Braun, Young, and Rokita spoke, in addition to activists including Indianapolis Right to Life President Marc Tuttle and motivational speaker Mark Hublar. The event was first held in 2018. Watch the video of the march here. Watch the video of the rally here.
The national March for Life was in Washington D.C. on Saturday, the first to be held following the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade on June 24 of last year. Judge Kelsey Hanlon issued an injunction against Senate Bill 1, the Indiana abortion restriction law in late September and the Indiana Supreme Court heard oral arguments over one of the two lawsuits filed by the Indiana ACLU over the bill on Thursday.
On Sept. 28 IU hosted it's 16th annual Regatta and first post IUPUI split. Student participated in canoe races, games, a dog costume contest and voted to crown this year's Regatta royalty.
IUI hosts Battleships competition on Sept. 24 to raise money for the Herman B. Wells Research Center. Battleships is a competition hosted by Jagathon every year during the week leading up to Regatta.