Berto Millan

Berto Millan is a junior majoring in film studies, and is a reporter and film critic for The Campus Citizen.


Top 5 Best, 5 Worst Valentine’s Date Movies

Coming up next week is what is considered to be one of the most romantic days of the year, Valentine’s Day. The Campus Citizen has decided to put together a selection of romance films that one should or should not watch on the upcoming holiday. On a general consensus among audiences, these films are considered universally praised as romances that are worth watching, while the other films on this list could be considered universally distressing to watch with your significant other.  


Review of ‘Paranormal Activity’: Fear of the Mundane

Everyone, at some point in their lives, has heard a loud noise in the middle of the night, and in turn, experienced the subsequent rush of fear that accompanies the uncertainty of what may be around the corner. The manipulation of this feeling is what led to the 2009 film ‘Paranormal Activity’, which inspired a slew of sequels and a new horror film franchise that decade. ‘Paranormal Activity’ capitalizes this dynamic of the very real feeling of paranoia and lack of control that one gets in the middle of the night when darkness is all one can see, through the use of subtlety and simplicity. 

Team Prepares to Sink

Jagathon Hosts Battleships Competition

On Tuesday evening, the IU Natatorium was filled for a competition between student organizations called Battleships. The event was hosted by Jagathon: IUPUI’s Dance Marathon, to raise money for Riley Hospital for Children. Around 250 spectators attended the event.  

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